Planning update

Not much to report, current completion estimate is 5-6 weeks (August in essence). Work is continuing on the pod (probably an understatement). Martin (OEC) has liaised with Gosling regarding the hand-controls and current thinking is to get them fitted at OEC. The tail-lift/access is still to be cracked – but we are all in theContinue reading “Planning update”

Build and adaptations

The ‘bathroom’ area – the toilet will be fitted here – the shower will be to the right (from where it can reach outside the entrance), there will be a screen that can be opened to give the throne a modicum of privacy Well we had another site visit last week, ostensibly to check howContinue reading “Build and adaptations”

Mid-Morning Matters

In part, I’m sure due to work’s Communications Team helping to distribute our Press Release – there has been if not a flurry exactly, a swell of interest from a couple of media organisations.  BBC Radio Devon This morning I had the pleasure of meeting BBC Radio Devon’s Sophie Pierce, for what was my firstContinue reading “Mid-Morning Matters”


It’s been a pretty busy couple of weeks as we have been trying to pull a few fundraising and awareness events together. We’ve been interviewed by the local paper (the Herald Express), and hopefully there’ll be a nice, informative piece in next Tuesday’s edition. Certainly (the reporter) Alex’s relaxed approach made for a long andContinue reading “Accounting”

The Sums don’t have to make sense, but they do need to add up….

Well the next build slot is Feb-April 2010. We’re sweating on holding on the deposit to secure it until we get confirmation of the loan from the bank – a few weeks off yet. OEC report that there is some customer competition too, with someone waiting for a property sale to go through to fundContinue reading “The Sums don’t have to make sense, but they do need to add up….”

Taking Delivery of the Azalai

Well it’s got there – just about. Today we went over to OEC to collect the Azalai from OEC. We arrived late in the afternoon and found the guys hosing her down (luckily for Alicja who otherwise might have found that she was carwashing it at her fundraiser tomorrow!) The tail-lift is still being fabricatedContinue reading “Taking Delivery of the Azalai”

Dual Tank fueling issues

We were staying with friends at the excellent Bickleigh Farm (great Birthday Party Adele – thank you) – with the intention of sleeping in the van. The first night was fine despite the outside temperature dipping below zero. However in the morning we tried to boil some water for a cup of tea which causesContinue reading “Dual Tank fueling issues”