Got a chance to talk to the parents about some of the detail the other night. Ahead of the bank holiday I’d nipped to the pub with some friends, and upon coming home, found the Rentals sitting up in their kitchen over a bottle of wine – Thought it opportune to join them. We gotContinue reading “Empty house”
Monthly Archives: April 2010
Azalai vehicle build trip
We went over to OEC lunchtime today with Pat and Alan so that they could see a completed Azalai. Whichever way you look at this, they have a stake in the adventure. From the emotional worries about our wellbeing, to the pragmatic realities of our using the house as loan collateral (as they own andContinue reading “Azalai vehicle build trip”
The early build
Last Friday both Rachel and I had the day off, so we took the chance to visit OEC and agree the few loose ends left at this stage. As we arrived we could see that some work had been undertaken on RR02 HAR as it was sporting a snorkel air-intake. It’s also had the roofContinue reading “The early build”