Dropped the Azalai off at OEC today to get the finishing touches completed. Everyone is optimistic we’ll get there before Christmas, but the manufacturers of the solenoids (to operate the tail-lift locking-pins) have consistently reneged on promised delivery dates over the last few weeks. Anyway, regardless everything else can happen: Uprated headlamp bulbs (the Defender’sContinue reading “Finishing touches”
Tag Archives: Defender
Thursday Club
A new audience for the latest talk, the ladies and gents of the ‘Thursday Club’ at St Matthias Church, Wellswood. Attentive and kind though they were, I am sure that they would have been at least equally interested if I’d filled the slot with (more) pictures from previous wildlife shoots – compared to the normal,Continue reading “Thursday Club”
If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training
Well that was a busy week. the Van went in to have its final tweaks on Monday, then Tuesday we made our way up to Eastnor Castle in beautiful Herefordshire for the rearranged Driver Training at the Land Rover Experience. We arrived at our campsite late in the day. We were staying at the friendlyContinue reading “If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training”