Roger Young Ltd have established that the Azalai’s problem is not the Engine Management System (which is reassuring) – rather it is an electrical short somewhere which is blowing a fuse every time the engine tries to run. The symptoms to [the rare] EMS problem were the same as it presented, but it’s more likelyContinue reading “Breakdown update”
Tag Archives: Azalai
Breakdown – the cause and remedy
Picked the Azalai up from OEC today. The breakdown was apparently caused by a wiring loom contacting with the [transplanted] auto box’s oil feeds and consequently being melted. Paul [at OEC] was surprised that the transmission oil ran that hot; but he has now secured the loom away from the pipes so all appears toContinue reading “Breakdown – the cause and remedy”
Tail-lift fitting
Took the Azalai up to OEC today so that Paul can fit the tail-lift. He was painting it today, but will be spending the rest of the week fitting. He seemed pretty confident regarding the main hardware and attachment to the chassis, but thought that if anything was going to make him run past theContinue reading “Tail-lift fitting”
Thursday Club
A new audience for the latest talk, the ladies and gents of the ‘Thursday Club’ at St Matthias Church, Wellswood. Attentive and kind though they were, I am sure that they would have been at least equally interested if I’d filled the slot with (more) pictures from previous wildlife shoots – compared to the normal,Continue reading “Thursday Club”
Tail-lift on
Spoken to Paul at OEC – The lift is on, but he’s ordered a reducing valve (“should be here today”). The lift is going up well, and Paul reported that he’s, “Really pleased with it”, but the problem is “That it currently comes down faster than if it was just gravity!” Should now be tomorrow,Continue reading “Tail-lift on”
Departure booked
Sorry to have been neglecting the updates, but it’s been a bit hectic tying up a few loose-ends and coordinating everything to achieve our May departure date. Just today though (and forced by the rapidly diminishing accommodation options in Durban due to the Bank Holiday one suspects) things have become real. Shipping: The helpful DavidContinue reading “Departure booked”
Planning progress and a celebration
Rachel has just texted to say that her Career Break has been approved. Another hurdle ticked off the list! D-Day is approaching fast. Since my last post Alan (father) has enjoyed his 70th Birthday with a great party at the Rugby Club (TARFC). He’d asked the many guests to donate to in lieu ofContinue reading “Planning progress and a celebration”
Mechanical teachings
Dave Webb (TARFC and Sherwell Valley Motors) has just given Rachel her first vehicle maintenance lesson. Today involved an orientation of what’s what underneath the vehicle, the brakes, and the techniques to change a front wheel – followed by a couple of hours’ practical. With much gusto Rachel waded in and impressed her tutor withContinue reading “Mechanical teachings”
If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training
Well that was a busy week. the Van went in to have its final tweaks on Monday, then Tuesday we made our way up to Eastnor Castle in beautiful Herefordshire for the rearranged Driver Training at the Land Rover Experience. We arrived at our campsite late in the day. We were staying at the friendlyContinue reading “If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training”
Final Vehicle Prep stuff
The Azalai has seen much of Sherwell Valley Garage of late as Dave Webb and Chris kindly agreed to let us use their expertise and ramps to go through basic maintenance techniques on the Land Rover. A quick inspection identified that the transmission pipes could take another tightening as they had bedded down a bitContinue reading “Final Vehicle Prep stuff”