We’d let things drift a bit since our visit to OEC in April, but Anton had recently emailed to say that he has a finished Azalai 130 in the workshop – so we again made the short trip over to Kingsteignton to see how things may or may not work. It was also a chanceContinue reading “Scoping the Azalai”
Tag Archives: Adaptation
Injured Players Fund assistance
Great news, just heard from Tim Bonnett of the RFU’s IPF (Injured Players’ Fund) that the Trustees have agreed to help fund the cost of adapting disabled facilities for the vehicle. This includes a provision for mobility aids too. This will help to keep our outlay broadly in line with that of able-bodied purchasers. MyContinue reading “Injured Players Fund assistance”
Xmas stash report
Not really much to report. Needless to say Rachel was indulged in Michelin Maps, Stacking Cooking Pans, Survival Guides and the like as Christmas presents. Me, I got a micro-towel – cool! Regarding the van, I have casually researched platform lifts and had a cursory dialogue with Anton at OEC. I’m wondering whether something alongContinue reading “Xmas stash report”
We’ve been leafing through recent (April/May) issues of Land Rover Monthly, and in the Technofile sections, there is a step by step, pictorial article on fitting an Ashcroft auto-conversion to a 300tdi Defender. If you want to see what’s involved – plus the (again) positive review on the mod’ itself, then it’s worth tracking downContinue reading “Autobox”
Defender Auto Transmission Conversion
Early last week, I’d tapped Anton as to whether he could give a revised guestimate on completion (essentially for the purposes of our own planning). The gist of the reply was, “The auto box has just been completed… hoorah It took Martin 15 days… however that said it is very good… rest assured. At theContinue reading “Defender Auto Transmission Conversion”
Build and adaptations
The ‘bathroom’ area – the toilet will be fitted here – the shower will be to the right (from where it can reach outside the entrance), there will be a screen that can be opened to give the throne a modicum of privacy Well we had another site visit last week, ostensibly to check howContinue reading “Build and adaptations”
Build slipping…
With regards to the build, we visited OEC last week and whereas there is clear (and quality) progress, I think it would be fair to say that we were disappointed by what seems to be a lot left to do at this time. Now this might well be our desperation to get our hands onContinue reading “Build slipping…”
Taking Delivery of the Azalai
Well it’s got there – just about. Today we went over to OEC to collect the Azalai from OEC. We arrived late in the afternoon and found the guys hosing her down (luckily for Alicja who otherwise might have found that she was carwashing it at her fundraiser tomorrow!) The tail-lift is still being fabricatedContinue reading “Taking Delivery of the Azalai”
Getting tight on the build
We’re still waiting for the tail-lift, but I’ve been over to OEC to see it progressing. Paul is waiting for some solenoids to arrive to operate locking-pins to secure the lift in it’s various positions (to take the strain off the hydraulics when the lift is stationary). Even on it’s work-stand it looks a workContinue reading “Getting tight on the build”
Finishing touches
Dropped the Azalai off at OEC today to get the finishing touches completed. Everyone is optimistic we’ll get there before Christmas, but the manufacturers of the solenoids (to operate the tail-lift locking-pins) have consistently reneged on promised delivery dates over the last few weeks. Anyway, regardless everything else can happen: Uprated headlamp bulbs (the Defender’sContinue reading “Finishing touches”