After being tasked with the job of looking into Carnet costing I thought I had better get cracking straight away. Following on from the really useful info on the gapyear4x4 website I emailed Paul Gowen, ‘Carnet Man’ at the RAC (and now the man of the moment in my eyes). An automated reply came back,Continue reading “Carnet De Passage”
Tag Archives: Customs
Taking the Azalai to Tilbury Docks
We left Torquay in the middle of the night (30/3/11) knowing that the next time the Azalai drives on the Bay’s roads it will be after it’s traversed the length of both Africa and Europe. Despite having had less than a few hour’s sleep, the drive to Tilbury Docks was really enjoyable. I did theContinue reading “Taking the Azalai to Tilbury Docks”