We’d let things drift a bit since our visit to OEC in April, but Anton had recently emailed to say that he has a finished Azalai 130 in the workshop – so we again made the short trip over to Kingsteignton to see how things may or may not work. It was also a chanceContinue reading “Scoping the Azalai”
Tag Archives: Disability
Had our final meeting with the bank and things seem OK. I guess we can do no more than wait for the wheels to turn now. A scary amount of money, but we are confident that the sums add up and it’s ‘affordable’ – in the loosest of terms! As an aside, but related toContinue reading “Inspirational..”
Injured Players Fund assistance
Great news, just heard from Tim Bonnett of the RFU’s IPF (Injured Players’ Fund) that the Trustees have agreed to help fund the cost of adapting disabled facilities for the vehicle. This includes a provision for mobility aids too. This will help to keep our outlay broadly in line with that of able-bodied purchasers. MyContinue reading “Injured Players Fund assistance”
Spinal Cord Injury ramblings
A bit of a self-indulgent ramble here (which I suppose is a definition of ‘blog’ so no harm done…..) Just been up to Salisbury Hospital (Odstock) to the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Injuries Centre for my bi-annual check-up. It’s always a strange experience, I think because of its obvious, direct, personal association with [my] spinalContinue reading “Spinal Cord Injury ramblings”
Build and adaptations
The ‘bathroom’ area – the toilet will be fitted here – the shower will be to the right (from where it can reach outside the entrance), there will be a screen that can be opened to give the throne a modicum of privacy Well we had another site visit last week, ostensibly to check howContinue reading “Build and adaptations”
Mid-Morning Matters
In part, I’m sure due to work’s Communications Team helping to distribute our Press Release – there has been if not a flurry exactly, a swell of interest from a couple of media organisations. BBC Radio Devon This morning I had the pleasure of meeting BBC Radio Devon’s Sophie Pierce, for what was my firstContinue reading “Mid-Morning Matters”
Spinal Injury – The Acutes
I don’t know whether anyone has been following the ‘Spinal Column’ series by Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) journalist Melanie Reid, in The Times on Saturday(s); it really is the most accurate, comprehensive and frank account of what it is like to sustain an acute neck injury. (I’ve transcribed one installment below – you’ll see whatContinue reading “Spinal Injury – The Acutes”
Not for the first time has this been a significant date for me. [As the avid reader would know] In 1986 I turned out for our local college XV for a scratch Rugby game (on a Sunday that was much warmer than it is in 2010 I recall!) only to paralyse myself in a clumsyContinue reading “History”
The Landrover to be shipped
The MV Safmarine Mafadi has arrived at Tilbury – this is the new good ship to ferry the Azalai to Durban after the last boat ‘did one’ sans Land Rover! A quick note of thanks to Nicky Baker for her support and encouragement. Rest assured Nicky that we’ll do our best to add an engineer’sContinue reading “The Landrover to be shipped”