As I briefly mentioned a few posts ago, we have started a ‘Logistics and Fundraising committee’. We have realised that in order to make the trip happen in the time-frame that we are planning, we need some help from others. Quite simply there are not enough hours in the day to accommodate all of theContinue reading “With a little help…”
Tag Archives: Fundraising
Mid-Morning Matters
In part, I’m sure due to work’s Communications Team helping to distribute our Press Release – there has been if not a flurry exactly, a swell of interest from a couple of media organisations. BBC Radio Devon This morning I had the pleasure of meeting BBC Radio Devon’s Sophie Pierce, for what was my firstContinue reading “Mid-Morning Matters”
It’s been a pretty busy couple of weeks as we have been trying to pull a few fundraising and awareness events together. We’ve been interviewed by the local paper (the Herald Express), and hopefully there’ll be a nice, informative piece in next Tuesday’s edition. Certainly (the reporter) Alex’s relaxed approach made for a long andContinue reading “Accounting”
Azalai chat
We went over to OEC to keep an appointment with Simon Ward-Hastelow, Azalai Owner and Editor of Land Rover World magazine. As explained in earlier posts, Simon was the first to own a UK registered Azalai; although he went to France to get all of the work done to his 300 tdi 130 base vehicleContinue reading “Azalai chat”
Taking Delivery of the Azalai
Well it’s got there – just about. Today we went over to OEC to collect the Azalai from OEC. We arrived late in the afternoon and found the guys hosing her down (luckily for Alicja who otherwise might have found that she was carwashing it at her fundraiser tomorrow!) The tail-lift is still being fabricatedContinue reading “Taking Delivery of the Azalai”
Getting tight on the build
We’re still waiting for the tail-lift, but I’ve been over to OEC to see it progressing. Paul is waiting for some solenoids to arrive to operate locking-pins to secure the lift in it’s various positions (to take the strain off the hydraulics when the lift is stationary). Even on it’s work-stand it looks a workContinue reading “Getting tight on the build”
Finishing touches
Dropped the Azalai off at OEC today to get the finishing touches completed. Everyone is optimistic we’ll get there before Christmas, but the manufacturers of the solenoids (to operate the tail-lift locking-pins) have consistently reneged on promised delivery dates over the last few weeks. Anyway, regardless everything else can happen: Uprated headlamp bulbs (the Defender’sContinue reading “Finishing touches”
Planning progress and a celebration
Rachel has just texted to say that her Career Break has been approved. Another hurdle ticked off the list! D-Day is approaching fast. Since my last post Alan (father) has enjoyed his 70th Birthday with a great party at the Rugby Club (TARFC). He’d asked the many guests to donate to in lieu ofContinue reading “Planning progress and a celebration”
Getting there
The Azalai is going into OEC for what’s hopefully the last pre-trip works. I’ve decided to fit a cruise control as flexing ones arm on a long run is overly tiring (foot throttle uses extensor muscles) and probably not as safe as having two hands on the steering wheel on such a heavy vehicle. PaulContinue reading “Getting there”
We had a Ball
Got to start this entry with thanks to: Dan, Becky, Glenn, Penny, Pat T, Davina, Helen P, Julie, Mrs H, Russ, and everyone else who pulled together to make the Africa Ball at Paignton Zoo such a great night. Special thanks to David Towers and Nina Brzezicki and the rest of the Zoo staff whoContinue reading “We had a Ball”