When the idea started, I had no real idea what might be involved, or even whether it would come to anything. We’ve been going a few months now so I’ve had some time to reflect. Firstly the realisation that we are starting to make something pretty fantastic manifest itself in the form of a suitableContinue reading “Musings of a fat man”
Tag Archives: Health
Estimated Carbon Costs
As this is a quiet month with little to report, I thought it opportune to consider some of the real costs of this trip…….. Your Footprint Country Average World Target Your Carbon Footprint: House 2.10 tonnes of CO2 Flights 3.32 tonnes of CO2 Car 2.93 tonnes of CO2 Motorbike 0.00 tonnes of CO2 Bus &Continue reading “Estimated Carbon Costs”
Spinal Cord Injury ramblings
A bit of a self-indulgent ramble here (which I suppose is a definition of ‘blog’ so no harm done…..) Just been up to Salisbury Hospital (Odstock) to the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Injuries Centre for my bi-annual check-up. It’s always a strange experience, I think because of its obvious, direct, personal association with [my] spinalContinue reading “Spinal Cord Injury ramblings”
Taking Delivery of the Azalai
Well it’s got there – just about. Today we went over to OEC to collect the Azalai from OEC. We arrived late in the afternoon and found the guys hosing her down (luckily for Alicja who otherwise might have found that she was carwashing it at her fundraiser tomorrow!) The tail-lift is still being fabricatedContinue reading “Taking Delivery of the Azalai”
Finishing touches
Dropped the Azalai off at OEC today to get the finishing touches completed. Everyone is optimistic we’ll get there before Christmas, but the manufacturers of the solenoids (to operate the tail-lift locking-pins) have consistently reneged on promised delivery dates over the last few weeks. Anyway, regardless everything else can happen: Uprated headlamp bulbs (the Defender’sContinue reading “Finishing touches”
Really proud of Rachel today as she womanfully faced her longstanding needle phobia at the Travel Health Consultancy in Exeter. Of course she has little choice in undertaking this trip as the list of jabs is quite onerous (though necessary). To be fair she was already in the van en route before she asked “SoContinue reading “Jabs”
Breakdown – the cause and remedy
Picked the Azalai up from OEC today. The breakdown was apparently caused by a wiring loom contacting with the [transplanted] auto box’s oil feeds and consequently being melted. Paul [at OEC] was surprised that the transmission oil ran that hot; but he has now secured the loom away from the pipes so all appears toContinue reading “Breakdown – the cause and remedy”
Final Vehicle Prep stuff
The Azalai has seen much of Sherwell Valley Garage of late as Dave Webb and Chris kindly agreed to let us use their expertise and ramps to go through basic maintenance techniques on the Land Rover. A quick inspection identified that the transmission pipes could take another tightening as they had bedded down a bitContinue reading “Final Vehicle Prep stuff”