Well it’s got there – just about. Today we went over to OEC to collect the Azalai from OEC. We arrived late in the afternoon and found the guys hosing her down (luckily for Alicja who otherwise might have found that she was carwashing it at her fundraiser tomorrow!) The tail-lift is still being fabricatedContinue reading “Taking Delivery of the Azalai”
Tag Archives: Rachel
The 10th Torbay
Just had a great evening talking to the guys and girls of the 10th Torbay Sea Scouts. They were a super audience and sat through at least 45 minutes of presentation before asking lots of really good questions. We covered planning for the trip, expedition health and vaccinations, the budget, how young people can makeContinue reading “The 10th Torbay”
Mechanical teachings
Dave Webb (TARFC and Sherwell Valley Motors) has just given Rachel her first vehicle maintenance lesson. Today involved an orientation of what’s what underneath the vehicle, the brakes, and the techniques to change a front wheel – followed by a couple of hours’ practical. With much gusto Rachel waded in and impressed her tutor withContinue reading “Mechanical teachings”
If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training
Well that was a busy week. the Van went in to have its final tweaks on Monday, then Tuesday we made our way up to Eastnor Castle in beautiful Herefordshire for the rearranged Driver Training at the Land Rover Experience. We arrived at our campsite late in the day. We were staying at the friendlyContinue reading “If you can’t afford to fail, steer carefully and precisely – or take another route – Eastnor Castle Landrover Driver Training”
Final Vehicle Prep stuff
The Azalai has seen much of Sherwell Valley Garage of late as Dave Webb and Chris kindly agreed to let us use their expertise and ramps to go through basic maintenance techniques on the Land Rover. A quick inspection identified that the transmission pipes could take another tightening as they had bedded down a bitContinue reading “Final Vehicle Prep stuff”