Just had a great evening talking to the guys and girls of the 10th Torbay Sea Scouts. They were a super audience and sat through at least 45 minutes of presentation before asking lots of really good questions. We covered planning for the trip, expedition health and vaccinations, the budget, how young people can make use of grants and opportunities to go on expeditions of their own; as well as focusing on Motivation.org,uk and the importance of their work in the developing world. Rachel then showed them around the Azalai, patrol by patrol. The 10th are hoping to use our trip to help them work towards their International Badge. Certainly we’re keen to help them as much as we can.
Thanks to Skip’ and Richie Hale for the invite and to all of the Scouts for their hospitality and attentiveness.
Best realisation, “What no telly, X Box or PS3 for eight months?!” Don’t worry guys we’ll live!