The Azalai is going into OEC for what’s hopefully the last pre-trip works.
I’ve decided to fit a cruise control as flexing ones arm on a long run is overly tiring (foot throttle uses extensor muscles) and probably not as safe as having two hands on the steering wheel on such a heavy vehicle.
Paul (OEC) is doing a few refinements on the tail lift too. Of these slowing it’s ascent by putting a reducing valve into the hydraulic line is probably the most significant.
The oil leaks on the transmission mentioned in the last entry look like residue from the old, mended leaks – good news.
The van is much perkier too since we set the transmission’s ‘compushift’ to know that the vehicle’s weight is 3000kgs not “1500lbs” !!
Fuel consumption seems to be about 4 litres a mile (20 miles to the gallon) on runs so far – maybe the gearing remapping will make a difference but I guess that’s about what we should expect.
Time has been taken up by final preparations for our Fundraising Ball at Paignton Zoo this weekend. I really can’t get over how much help as been freely offered by our friends in pulling this together. Notably (although not exclusively) Dan Tisdall, Becky Bettesworth, Penny Jones and Glenn & Jo Powell. XXX to you all from Rach and I.
The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. ~ Aristotle
If you are coming you’re in for a treat I think. The guys have pulled out all of the stops to give a real show – if you’re impressed please dig deep on the night!
Main thing is though – remember to have fun!